I'm proud to say that I've packed 9 types of raya cookies into my luggage bag. Unlike last year, I didn't bring any because my luggage bag was full with other stuff. Fortunately this year I did not have anything else to bring back to Moscow. I already have a permanent place back in Moscow and my room was already 'complete'. Last year I had friends offering their raya cookies to me. And I'm glad that this year I have something to share with them.
My mom made 2 cookies for me to bring back ^_^ thanks ma!! I did help a bit, but most of the time I just sat and watch my mom do all the baking stuff. I hate baking hahaha, I'm sure I'll just end up burning the cookies if I tried to bake them.
My aunt baked some for me too. We made biskut kacang. I'm proud to say that I did 50% of the work =) but my aunt help me with the actual baking process. As I've said before, I will only burn the cookies if she let's me handle the oven hhahaha...
The other 6 types, well... my dad bought some, I myself bought a few as well. Looks like this coming raya isn't gonna be so depressing after all........ I would still love to spend raya in Malaysia but at least it wouldn't be as depressing as the past 2 years (I hope)
Foxy pena
10 months ago
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