I was actually sleepy myself while my whole class had to listen to our microbiology professor yak continuously about today's topic...
But when I looked over at my friend's notebook because I was missing some points that our professor was talking about, this is what I found written....
I had a fit of laughter even while my lecturer was still talking in front... I couldn't stop laughing.. Even now, as I'm typing this, I'm laughing so hard.... Oh God.... HAHAHAHAHA!!! I can't stop laughing!!
Hey, at least this friend was trying very hard to listen and copy down notes even though this person was SO sleepy.
Dear friend,
wehh.. sorry wehhhh.. aku bukan gelak ape... tp time tu aku ngantok gle jugak, but lepas tgk nih, mmg aku tros tak ngantok.... and sorry post kat sini. saje je. xpe, aku tak letak name, aku x bgtau org pon... xpe kan???)
*I've asked for permission from that friend of mine to post this up. So please don't think that I'm doing this to humiliate anyone. This is just for fun. And only to show that we do study until late at night.
Foxy pena
10 months ago
we dn hv class today! yeay..:p hehe
yeah u don't have it today, but u'll be replacing the class on friday... ahahhahaha... so it's still the same right... hahha
ke ni u punyenotebook ni amy??????....huhuu
Gosh, those days. Tell u what, I had deep sleep (dont care bout lecturer anymore.put head on table) towards the last 20mins of lecture for anat,histo & micro.No point of trying to write.Their lectures r like bullet train! :P
pian : if it's me being sleepy.. i would just give up writing down notes hahhahaha!!
pena: hahhaha.. i know.... laju gle. haha.. but x brani la nk put my head on the table. nti kene marah sure2 punye. anat dulu dah la i'm with lidya.. ahaha..
ish3..sape la punye note ni..
memalukan je student medic..kan amy kan? hehe.. :p
tah la hafiz.... aku pon xtau sape punye notes... tp org ni cekal la try nk salin ape pashkov bebel kat depan..hahhahaha!!!
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