As much as I wanna enjoy Raya celebration, I just can't afford to do that. Yup. Raya was on Sunday, and it ends on that day itself. It's just so unfortunate that we have Microbiology and Pharmacology test this week *gasp*. What the hell am I gonna do??!!!
Anyway, today I saw my first operation. It was interesting. But, operations in a free hospital where I had my Internal Disease classes is SO scary. The facilities, OTs, apparatus are pretty 'prehistoric' hahaha... Seriously, those who don't study in Russia may think that I'm exaggerating, but yeah, it is true. What do you expect, it's a free hospital. The surgeons, doctors, nurses, and staff that work there must be angels because their pay is VERY low. Plus my teacher is cute... hehehe...Sara has a crush on him!! hahaha...
Oh and about the operation today....well honestly, I really don't know what operation it was. We had to leave in the middle of the operation because we had a lecture to attend. So we couldn't possibly ask our teacher to explain the surgery while he was attending on the wide opened abdominal cavity, can we? I'll make sure to ask him on the next lesson. But the funny thing is that, I didn't feel anything. I thought I would faint or feel nausea or something. But I didn't feel anything.
Foxy pena
10 months ago
hey, we're cool docs! cool docs dont vomit over widely opened bodies! :P
haha, my raya ends on the 1st day itself, got test the next day :P
nway, is the cute doc happened to be Dr Pulin? No?
Oh well, i think med students amat teruja melihat docs yg nampak kepimpinan as a doctor. Terus ade crush kat doc tu :P
hahaha.. kecian korg...
nope. the cutie is Dr. Ivahov. my ID teacher pon cute gak. Dr. Lionit. he's cute what he smiles. baik plak tuh. hahaha...
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