September 13, 2009

Asepsis & antisepsis = Bed-time story

Reading about asepsis & antisepsis are like reading a bedtime story..... Seriously, I'm only a half-way through, and I'm really dozing off now *yawn*

I know. I know....
Asepsis & antisepsis are as important as the operations itself... but do we have to know all these in detail? These seems like the nurses' job :P hehehe.....

Gosh, if the doctor starts throwing questions at me tomorrow in class, I'll just smile and say I can't remember because none of these are getting into my mind right now. If I'm not fasting today, I could at least have coffee *yawn*


фарина захари said...

oits! Is that topics from gen surg? Yawn2..haha..
Nways, bangun lah sleepy head!

[Nard] said...

amy.. ye.aku dh keje aku belanja ko. can't wait for ur turn, miss doctor. haha. selamat berpuasa.