Even as I was typing the title of this post entry, I was yawning.
*yawn* and there you go again....
It has been a long day. I had to go for a medical checkup today. Since we'll be doing hospital attachments in July, we students needed to be checked, in case we might be an asymptomatic carrier of certain disease hehehe... Well it's just a routine check, just to make sure that we are healthy to be dealing with patients later on.
Anyways, I had to be at the polyclinic early morning. And the our university's clinic is situated so far away from my hostel.
Also there will be other students, including the outpatients as well. So in order to avoid the congestion, we were advised to come earlier.
After my medical check up was done, I had to go to my Russian language class. It was fun, although I was tired and sleepy. My Russian teacher is super nice and cool. So I managed to stay awake through her class.
Came back at 6PM. I planned to take a nap after washing up and prayers, but then I thought about all the things I needed to do; complete pathology notes, study for pharmacology test, study for topography anatomy class...... *sigh* So I drank coffee and did my notes.
And now I'm trying to encounter pharmacology. I read 2 pages, and I yawned once every 2 minutes. I'm tired...........
Foxy pena
10 months ago
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