December 7, 2009

Monday.... hate it, love it

  • The day after the weekends
  • The day when everybody starts working or goes back to school after a nice-lazy-fun Sunday
  • The day most of us hate
But I kinda love Mondays.... at least currently..haha..
This is the day were I don't really have to crack my brains in class because the subjects are not as heavy as Pharmacology. Not to mention that it is so much more interesting. hehehhe.. I've always looked forward for Monday's General Surgery classes. I get to see surgeries. And also I get to see my cute teacher in action... hahhahah.. this is a bonus. :D

I saw a rather cool laparoscopic surgery today. Instead of the normal, boring cholecystectomy that I've seen so many times before *yawn*. The patient had an inguinal hernia, so my teacher was supposed to repair it. It's a safe procedure. But not easy one when the pelvic cavity is such a small space. Oh gosh, I kept replaying in my head how my teacher was whining when he accidentaly lose one end of the suture he was clamping. HAHAHA!! It was so cute.
Ahhhh... cute Ivahov.. hahhaha...
I've seen these kinda surgeries being done swiftly. But my teacher did had a tough time putting the mesh in place and suturing it to the abdominal and pelvic wall. He's a young surgeon. I bet he'll be so good in no time.