MCQs... yup..... my school loves making us sit for those multi-choice-questions.. every single week, for almost every subjects since our 1st year, we have those. Whether it's on paper or computerize, it is a pain in the a**!
Sitting for microbiology final MCQ test tomorrow. urghhh.. I'm already sick of looking at these MCQ questions. And if I pass, I'll have to continue studying for the written and oral exam which is scheduled in another 2 weeks =(
I seriously need a break here!!!!!! But I kept telling myself,
"In 2 weeks time, you can have all the time in the world to do anything you want. So just hang in there."
HAHAHAHA... it didn't work. I still couldn't fight the urge to watch a movie or some korean stuff at least once a day. Hey, they say 'all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy'. I certainly wouldn't to be dull and go crazy in the end hahhahaha.....
Foxy pena
10 months ago
agreed. this semester is driving me crazy too !
pas exam enjoy..
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